Day 4 - Lessons in Parenting
Everything about this hike is about the layers. Clothing: we had to be prepared for everything from -5 to 70 degrees. Even in how the hike is organized is in layers: up, up, a little down, then more up. Basically, in any given day we’re wearing everything we brought, then taking it all off then putting it all back on to sleep again.
It has taken us a couple of days to realize that we need to hike at our speed, and nobody else’s. However slow that is, is how slow it is.
The last (hugely steep) incline up to Tengboche yesterday had both teenagers in tears and both moms questioning whether we needed to just call this whole thing. These are some really tough parenting questions: it’s one thing for Megan and I to do stupid stuff together alone(200-mile relay race? Sign us up. Obstacle courses with 10,000v wires? Totally in). It’s another thing to risk our daughters’ physical and mental health.
But we made it to the top of that particular ridge and soon everyone was feeling better. The girls were the ones who ultimately pointed out the obvious: if someone is hurt or sick then yes, duh, we would have to stop. But if not, we keep going.
You don’t quit just because it’s tough.
So onward we go.

The bridge before the steep incline.

Tengboche - our stay for a night

Highest temple in the world
The route:

We're in Tengboche.