We made it from Delhi, India (where we took a day to tour the Taj Mahal) to Kathmandu. We're ready for our trek to start!
Had trouble sleeping (again!) last night so took a Dramamine. Not such a great plan, I realized, when the teenager had to drag me out of bed this morning and I could barely peel my eyes open. Four cups of coffee and a breakfast buffet later, I was finally almost human.
Survived a day of walking and shopping—not as easy as it sounds in this crowded city with motorcycles and cars everywhere (don’t let the lucky pictures fool you). Kiddo says she loves it here and even bought a Nepal flag to hang on her dorm room wall next year. In case anyone doesn’t know, this trip is what she chose as her graduation present.
M & K, our trekking buddies from the U.S., arrived safely (yay!!) after 12- and 4-hour flights, so they make my jet lag seem like child’s play. We had our team briefing tonight with Dorchi our guide (in orange).
Tomorrow we fly to Lukla. I’m so excited to be able to check “flown to the most dangerous airport in the world” (true story, look it up) off my bucket list. Prayers and parachutes are appreciated.

The Kathmandu International Airport

Exploring Kathmandu

Our whole team is here! Team meeting with our guide Dorchi